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“The education you get from 7investing is worth the price of the membership on its own.”
Our seventh investing principle is “develop a thesis.” We think it’s always important to write out exactly why you’re investing in a company and the specific things that will tell you if it’s doing well or poorly.
In that same light, we were thrilled to learn that the thesis behind 7investing remained intact when investment education site Inveduco recently reviewed our service with two competing subscriptions: Motley Fool Stock Advisor and Motley Fool Rule Breakers.
[su_button url=”” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#84c136″ color=”#000000″ size=”6″ center=”yes” radius=”0″ icon_color=”#000000″]See the Inveduco review of 7investing vs The Motley Fool[/su_button]
Our mission is to empower individuals to invest in their future. We believe our thorough analysis, interactive approach, and stock market recommendations each month will help investors play a more active role in crafting their financial future.
We are extremely proud of Inveduco’s recommendation of 7investing, as we hold The Motley Fool in very high regard as a newsletter which has helped individual investors for more than 20 years.
Inveduco started out the comparison with a broad overview of each company. There are a lot of positives about each service, and Inveduco highlighted many of them. Regarding The Motley Fool, Inveduco wrote “The ‘Fools’ are passionate about finding winning stocks and sharing their knowledge with the public. They do a great job at educating members on the companies they recommend.”
When it came time to 7investing, Inveduco highlighted our track record and the transparency of our investing process. We were pleased to see that mentioned, as we believe it is something truly unique about our company. Inveduco wrote the following:
One of the things we love about 7investing is the level of transparency when it comes to their process of identifying winning stocks.
Each month, 7investing publishes videos showing each lead advisor pitch a stock to their team. They have to explain why they believe that the stock will outperform and then defend their investment thesis when challenged or questioned by other lead advisors.
We think these subscriber-only “deep dives” are unlike anything else on the investor education market today. We love doing them, and we believe they are “must stream” viewing for investors who are on the fence about investing in our top picks each month. These videos are then archived on our website so that subscribers can review them at their convenience to make better stock decisions. They are a snapshot of the thesis of each of our stocks at the moment in time when we recommend them.
[su_button url=”” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#84c136″ color=”#000000″ size=”6″ center=”yes” radius=”0″ icon_color=”#000000″]See our deep dives and company updates for our recent recommendations by becoming a subscriber today![/su_button]
We were also very proud to see Inveduco take note of our engagement with our subscribers. We got into this business to help people make informed decisions about their investments. When someone asks us a question, we do our best to answer it. Inveduco agreed, saying:
[O]ne of the things that really sets 7investing apart is their level of engagement with their members. If you have a question about anything related to stocks, you can ask about it on one of the many live videos they produce. You can also email them and message them via Twitter and they tend to respond very quickly (often within hours).
Their responses are personalized, well thought-out, and you can tell that they are passionate about helping their members. The education you get from 7investing is worth the price of the membership on its own.
Inveduco also compared us against Rule Breakers and Stock Advisor pound for pound, looking at our number of monthly stock picks, our performance, our offerings to our subscribers, our member perks — even how many marketing emails we send out a month (at 7investing, we don’t do “marketing” emails. We send out a monthly subscriber newsletter and links to educational and investing content produced by our advisors). Inveduco took all of this info, broke it down, and put us side by side with the Fool in the following infographic:
So, what gave 7investing the edge? Was it 7iNow host Dan Kline’s energetic personality? Manisha Samy’s scientific prowess? The stunning panoramic backgrounds in Steve Symington’s monthly report videos? Maxx Chatsko’s intellect and dry wit? Simon Erickson’s seven principles for long term investing?
…Matt Cochrane’s dad jokes?
While our dry wit and dad jokes are almost certainly important, Inveduco decided there were four key points that tilted the scales in our favor. According to the article, 7investing was the preferred newsletter because:
- 7investing puts all their efforts into a single newsletter.
- The high performance of 7investing’s stock picks.
- The affordable price of the 7investing service.
- 7investing’s excellent customer service and high level of interaction with their members.
Inveduco also said, “We believe that no matter which service you pick, you will likely do well. However, if we had to pick one of those services, it would be 7investing.”
We agree.
If you are ready to experience why Inveduco chose 7investing as their top investing newsletter for yourself, click the button below to subscribe to our service for just $170/year.
At 7investing, we empower you to invest in your future.
[su_button url=”” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#84c136″ color=”#000000″ size=”6″ center=”yes” radius=”0″ icon_color=”#000000″]Begin your investing journey with 7investing today[/su_button]
Inveduco is a member of the 7investing affiliate program. However, 7investing had no input on this process and did not attempt to influence the outcome.