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7investing Lead Advisor Steve Symington’s top stock to buy in August 2022 is a perfect company for investors to capitalize the world’s software-centric direction. Its stock has been dragged down since its recent IPO despite exceptional results from the underlying business, leaving patient, long-term investors with a perfect chance to open or add to their position.
Our lives increasingly revolve around software — but not every company is a software company yet. That’s changing quickly, and 7investing Lead Advisor Steve Symington’s top stock for August 2022 is the perfect way for investors to capitalize.
Shares of this recently public company have been pulled down in recent months despite strong results from the underlying business; it’s still growing at a healthy clip, demonstrating impressive operating leverage, and Steve thinks it’s about to inflect toward sustained positive cash flows sooner than many analysts on Wall Street are expecting. He believes now is the perfect time to buy this stock if you’re a patient, long-term shareholder.