What we think about Planet 13 Holdings (PLNH)

Planet 13 is a vertically integrated multi-state cannabis company, with award-winning cultivation, production and dispensary operations across its locations in California, Nevada, Illinois, and Florida.

That’s actually a more complicated question than it was back in February as the company now has three distinct businesses. Its core operations, however, remain its SuperStores. The Las Vegas location goes well beyond being a traditional retail store. It’s an experience and a destination that also does a very good job of selling visitors cannabis, CBD, and related products.

The superstore has an excellent restaurant (which is high praise in a city that’s known for offering top-tier dining) and a compelling coffee shop. Both are visually compelling and add to the experience, but it’s important to note that neither sells anything that’s directly cannabis-related (You cannot consume cannabis on property). The SuperStore also has art installations and areas where visitors can see various products being produced.

At the center of the operation, however, is what I’ll call the sales floor. This is a very large product display area where customers can browse until their number gets called to work with a cannabis specialist (sort of like a wine sommelier) who can either fill your order (if you’re already a connoisseur) or help you make the right purchase.

This isn’t a pushy sales process. It’s someone who knows what they’re selling, asking you questions about your desired experience. That means that the person looking for pain relief and the person looking to get high each get the right product as well as usage/dosing suggestions. It’s an experience that builds trust, and likely leads to higher sales without the salesperson having to use any high-pressure tactics.

Planet 13 also has a second, smaller location called “Medizin” that serves locals rather than tourists. This business grew out of the company’s need to pivot during the period where Las Vegas had no tourists due to the pandemic, and it unlocked a secondary revenue stream in most markets Planet 13 will enter (laws vary by state).

Think of Medizin as a smaller version of the SuperStore that’s more about getting customers in and out or delivering to them (which is legal in Nevada but not allowed for people staying in hotels). The smaller store has the same selection and knowledgeable staff, but it’s less about experience and more about efficiency.

In addition, Planet 13 has a growing owned-and-operated brands business that it sells in its locations as well as in other Nevada (and presumably California at some point) dispensaries. The growth of this business has been encouraging.

Planet 13 is in the early stages of building a brand that can be the Starbucks of cannabis. The company can serve a variety of audiences and, with its wholesale business, hold onto customers even when they shop at other dispensaries.

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