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Though some 7investing subscribers do buy all 7 stocks we recommend each month, it's certainly not a requirement. Here's how to think about using our monthly recommendations to your greatest benefit.
You’ve asked us some great questions, and here are our answers! We’ve pulled together your most-asked questions into our new “7 Most Common Questions” article series.
The short answer: We admit seven timely stock ideas per month seems like a lot. But we don’t expect you to buy all seven every month.
The longer answer: One of the most common questions we’ve received from our earliest subscribers concerns the sheer number of our recommendations. After all, considering we release our top seven stock ideas each month to paying 7investing subscribers, that means they’ll have access to a whopping 84 timely recommendations over the course of each year!
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Rest assured it’s not as overwhelming as it might seem.
Read on for more about how other subscribers are using our monthly recommendations to best suit their needs.
Something for everyone
First, we do talk about portfolio allocation – and specifically the number of stocks you might consider owning — in another article here. But there’s no denying that adding 84 individual stocks per year is a large number that many investors might consider too many for their individual portfolios, particularly given the risk of over-diversifying your holdings and negating the effectiveness of buying and holding individual stocks in the first place.
But we also don’t necessarily expect our subscribers to purchase all seven of our recommendations each month.
Some subscribers have told us they do buy all seven stocks every month, which can be a useful approach if you’re starting a new portfolio from scratch. But others might consider buying stakes in one, two, or even a few different 7investing stock recommendations every month that are most compelling to them.
Our primary goal is to provide a well-stocked pond (pun totally intended) from which our subscribers can choose the stocks each month that best suit their individual goals, needs, and risk tolerances. To that end, we talk more about how to navigate our site and narrow down our ever-growing list of stock recommendations in another article here.
On monthly “Best Buys” and re-recommendations
This also doesn’t mean 7investing subscribers are left to sift through 84 different companies among our recommendations each year.
For one, the above arithmetic doesn’t account for the occasional re-recommendation of any given stock by one of our individual advisors. Our team is encouraged to present their single best stock idea every month, regardless of whether they’ve picked that stock in a previous month.
On that note, the “84 stocks per year” math also doesn’t account for the fact that one of our seven recommendations every month is our “Best Buy” from the previous month, as voted by our team of advisors.
Again, we choose our stocks with a long-term mindset (see our fourth investing principle here), and we recognize one of our seven recommendations is often just as attractive (if not more compelling) an opportunity for prospective investors a mere 30 days after its initial report.
In either case – whether we’re talking about re-recommendations from our individual advisors or our monthly team “Best Buy – it’s worth paraphrasing the famed investor Peter Lynch: Sometimes, the best stock to buy is one you already own.
Regardless, you can be sure as you read this our team is busy identifying their top ideas for the coming month. And we can’t wait to present them for your consideration.
More answers from our “7 Most Common Questions” series:
- Is 7investing a brokerage?
- Does 7investing offer discounted or promotional rates?
- Do I really need to buy all 7 stocks each month?
- Which 7investing stocks are best for me now?
- How Should I Allocate My Portfolio?/How Many Stocks Should I Own?
- Why Doesn’t 7investing Assign Price Targets?
- Does 7investing Tell Subscribers When to Sell?