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Sometimes the best-laid plans (of mice and men) go awry. But we'll let you know if and when that happens.

You’ve asked us some great questions, and here are our answers! We’ve pulled together your most-asked questions into our new “7 Most Common Questions” article series.

As we noted in our third investing principle here (“Don’t stress yourself out”), we believe investors should only put money in the stock market that they won’t need for at least three years.

But consider the biggest gains are reserved for investors willing to buy and hold shares of great businesses for even longer periods of time. So given the combination of the long-term oriented nature of our approach, our fast-growing list of monthly stock recommendations, and the increasingly short-term nature of many traders today, many subscribers ask if we ever plan to sell any of the stocks we pick. 

The short answer: Yes and no.

The longer answer: Regarding the “no” side of that short-answer dichotomy, we want to be as transparent as possible at 7investing by allowing our subscribers to see both our winners and our losers as time goes on.

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Our scorecard is here to stay

Watching our winners run is obviously more fun for both subscribers and our advisor team alike.

But you’ll also never see our biggest losers quietly disappear from our recommendations table in an effort to bolster our apparent returns. If we make a bad stock recommendation, it’ll remain a red blotch on our scorecard indefinitely for everyone to see. And we’ll be the first to embrace the mistake so we can learn from it and become better investors together going forward. 

…but we will tell 7investing subscribers if something changes

Perhaps most important, however – and on the “yes” side of whether we “sell” our stocks – many subscribers have also asked whether 7investing will alert them when to sell.

So yes: In the (hopefully rare) event that something happens to negatively, irreparably damage our confidence, dismantling our buy thesis for any given stock recommendation in the process, we will alert our subscribers to the news through either our mid-month advisor updates or a company-specific update on that stock.

Again, we hate to be wrong, and we perform countless hours of research into our recommendations in an effort to ensure that we’re proven wrong as few times as possible in the coming years as we dish out month after month of our best stock ideas.

But again, though any unfortunate “sell” cases will remain a blemish on our scorecard, we’ll be the first to inform you if we believe a given 7investing recommendation is no longer worthy of your investing dollars.

More answers from our “7 Most Common Questions” series:

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