7investing Lead Advisor Dana Abramovitz's Top Stock to buy in July 2021 is using technology to make it easier to maintain your health.
July 1, 2021
This company is disrupting the health care industry from the inside out. Patients are treated like valued consumers, doctors feel like they’re making a difference, and overall health care costs are decreasing.
7investing Lead Advisor Dana Abramovitz’s recommendation for July 2021 is driving change in the health care industry, is steered by great and experienced leadership, has years of growth ahead and a large market to grow into. It is perfect for long-term investors interested in the health care industry.
If you own or drive a car, chances are you get your oil changed every 5000 miles, put air in your tires, or take it in for service when the “check engine” light comes on. But do you do the same for your own body?
Hi! I’m Dana Abramovitz, 7investing Lead Advisor where we empower you to invest in your future by giving you our seven best stock recommendations each and every month.
My recommendation this month helps make maintaining your health as easy as it is to maintain your car. And it includes technology so it’s easy to get access to your data and stay connected to your care team. To learn about all seven recommendations, including mine, visit 7investing.com/subscribe. We’re 7investing, we’re here to help you invest in your future.